In the age of digital disruption, clinging onto outdated technology processes is like trying to swim against a riptide—it’s exhausting and won’t get you anywhere. 🤿

Digital transformation is now a must-have for companies looking to stay afloat in today’s fast-paced business landscape. As the speed of innovation and technological advancement continues to accelerate, enterprises—even yours—should have modern workflows that enable them to keep pace with the rapid rate of change. 

The ability to quickly adapt and evolve is critical to staying competitive and meeting the demands of customers, which should be priority number one. But having the right tools and technologies could be the key to achieving digital transformation success. 🏆

One such tool is a modern low code workflow platform. These platforms can help you streamline processes, improve efficiency, and ultimately achieve your digital transformation goals. 

But swimming back to shore might take a bit more than some flippers and a pair of goggles. Let’s discuss. ⤵️

Possible Challenges Along the Way

Enterprises today face numerous obstacles when it comes to executing their digital transformation strategies. 

One of the biggest challenges is the sheer complexity of the modern IT environment. They often consist of legacy systems and applications that need to be integrated with newer, cloud-native technologies. Many organizations also struggle with identifying the right technologies to support their digital transformation goals.

What looks great on the outside might not work as well as you thought it would when introduced into your current tech stack. Plus, securing the necessary budget is another hurdle all in itself. 💵 

Once the budget is secured, you might also face cultural resistance to change, as tenured employees may be reluctant to learn new processes. 

I’ve been doing it this way for years. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” 

–  Joey from IT, probably. 🙄

This is why effective communication and change management strategies can help address this issue up front before throwing a new technology into the mix. Successful digital transformation requires a:

  • Clear vision  
  • Well-planned roadmap
  • Willingness to adapt to changing technologies

Though the challenges and obstacles can be annoying to deal with, you must face them head-on before considering a shift to a low code platform solution. 

Low Code Platforms for… Automation?

Low code platforms are becoming an increasingly popular solution for businesses looking to automate their complex (or even simple) repeatable processes. 

By using pre-built components and workflows, these platforms allow users to quickly and easily create custom applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge. 👨‍💻

This not only speeds up the development process, but also enables non-technical employees to participate in automation initiatives. Low code platforms can help ensure consistency and standardization across your organization by providing a unified development environment. 

Going further with automation, many low code platforms like Pliant, offer advanced capabilities like workflow orchestration. This can help streamline entire processes and improve the overall efficiency of tasks you decide needs attention. 💪

Ultimately, low code platforms allow you to scale your initiatives quickly into orchestrated workflows, so you realize the full benefits of true digital transformation. 

The Benefits of Using a Low Code Platform

Low code platforms offer a multitude of benefits for organizations looking to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced market. 

One such advantage is speed. No, we’re not talking about the 1994 Sandra Bullock film… ✈️ 🚌 

Since new business ideas can be tested in a matter of minutes—rather than weeks or months—you’ll have immediate feedback to know if it was the right move or not. This allows you to rapidly respond to changing market conditions and customer needs, without the worry of screwing up the process. 

These platforms can maximize resources and ROI by enabling you to build custom applications without the need for extensive coding or development resources. This not only saves your business time and money, but also allows you to focus more on delivering greater value to your customers. 😁

Low code platforms also provide agility, allowing you to quickly adapt to varying market conditions and new opportunities. This is critical when market dynamics can change rapidly and you must be able to respond quickly and effectively to stay competitive.

To quickly recap, introducing a low code platform to your workflow can:

  • Speed up application deployment, without extensive coding knowledge
  • Reduce wasted resources, thus saving money
  • Increase productivity across the IT department
  • Improve agility with advanced orchestration

Overall, the benefits of low code platforms can provide the edge you need to have continued success in today’s technology-heavy landscape. 

Choosing the Right Platform

Choosing the right low code platform for your enterprise requires careful consideration of a few distinct factors. ⚠️

First, it’s important to identify and consider your specific business needs and requirements. Things like the types of applications you need to develop, the level of customization required, and the integration capabilities needed. 

Next, appraise the scalability of the platforms you are considering. You will want a solution that can grow and adapt to your changing business needs over time. At Pliant, we offer several editions to meet your scalability requirements. Should you misjudge your rate of growth, you always have the option to easily upgrade.   

You should also evaluate the ease of use and flexibility of the platform, as well as the level of support and resources available from the vendor. Our Enterprise Edition offers priority support to help tackle any issue that should arise—day or night. 🌞

Assessing the security and compliance features of the platform is also a huge concern, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Pliant delivers the protection you need with our proprietary application delivery and security infrastructure. 

Lastly, you should carefully evaluate the total cost of ownership. This includes licensing fees, implementation costs, and ongoing maintenance and support. To see the potential cost savings in real-time, we have an ROI calculator to help you see accurate numbers depending on your unique situation. 💰 

By carefully assessing all these factors, you can choose a low code platform that meets your enterprise’s unique needs and helps you achieve your business goals.

Final Thoughts

Digital transformation is crucial for your business to remain competitive. A low code platform like Pliant might just be the secret weapon you need to:

  • Increase agility
  • Improve efficiency
  • Streamline processes
  • Accelerate productivity

Take the ROI calculator for a spin and see what our low code platform could mean for your business, or sign up for our free Community Edition to get started right away.

With Pliant, true digital transformation is absolutely possible.