In a recent survey, 48% of respondents indicated they had transitioned a workload or application away from the hyper-scale public cloud provider (like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud). ☁️

This shift towards cloud repatriation has raised questions about the motivations behind it and whether your organization should consider making a similar change. We’re not here to tell you what’s best for your organization, only to help you understand why others are making the change. 

With this new trend, one thing remains certain with Pliant: No matter where you fall on the issue, you won’t have to sacrifice your orchestrated workflows on our platform. Now, as we explore the key drivers behind cloud repatriation in this blog, you’ll gain insights along the way for both sides of the argument. Whether you ultimately choose to embrace this trend or continue on your current cloud journey, Pliant remains committed to providing the orchestration solutions you need to navigate your organization’s unique path.

So what exactly is cloud repatriation and why are organizations making this transformative change? Let’s get into it. ⬇️

What is Cloud Repatriation?

Cloud repatriation (sometimes referred to as the reversal of cloud migration) is a new movement where organizations choose to bring some (or all) of their data, apps, or workloads back from the public cloud to on-premises infrastructure.

In other words, it involves “repatriating” digital assets from the cloud to an organization’s own data centers or to a different cloud service. Executing cloud repatriation requires careful planning and implementation, as it involves the intricate task of transferring data and applications out of a cloud environment, reconfiguring on-premises infrastructure, and minimizing disruptions to ongoing business operations. This is quite a serious undertaking for well-established organizations. 😅 

While the cloud remains a valuable resource for many organizations, cloud repatriation serves as a strategic option for those seeking a shift, driven by a variety of factors. So why are organizations making the change? Let’s zoom into the details. 🔭

Why are Organizations Moving Away from the Cloud?

There are a few key reasons why organizations are making the switch from the cloud. Let’s break down the top 3 in the industry:

1. Security Concerns

Security is critical for any organization, and the cloud has introduced both new opportunities and vulnerabilities. While cloud service providers invest heavily in security measures, organizations still have concerns about data breaches, unauthorized access, and data sovereignty. Here’s how security concerns are prompting the switch to cloud repatriation:

  • Data Control: Organizations that deal with highly sensitive information, such as financial data or proprietary intellectual property, may be apprehensive about entrusting it entirely to third-party cloud providers. By repatriating certain workloads or data, they regain direct control over their security measures.
  • Customized Security: Cloud providers offer a range of security features, but organizations may require customized security solutions tailored to their unique needs. Repatriation allows them to implement and manage security measures that align precisely with their requirements.
  • Reducing Exposure: Some organizations repatriate certain workloads to minimize their exposure to potential security vulnerabilities in a multi-tenant cloud environment.

2. Compliance Requirements

Regulatory compliance is a non-negotiable aspect of many industries. Organizations must adhere to a maze of laws and regulations. Failing to meet compliance requirements can result in penalties and/or reputation damage. Here’s how compliance requirements are influencing the shift to cloud repatriation:

  • Data Localization: Certain regulations, like the GDPR, demand that data be stored within specific geographic boundaries. Cloud providers may not always have data centers in the required locations, leading organizations to repatriate data to comply with local data residency requirements.
  • Data Encryption: While cloud providers offer encryption options, organizations may choose to repatriate data to have full control over encryption keys and ensure compliance with encryption-related regulations, like HIPAA in the U.S. health industry.
  • Audit and Reporting: Maintaining compliance often involves rigorous audit and reporting processes. Some organizations find it easier to manage these requirements when data and applications are housed on-premises or in private cloud environments.

3. Cost Considerations

While the cloud offers scalability and flexibility, it can also lead to unexpected costs if not managed carefully. Cost overruns can strain budgets and impact the bottom line. Here’s how cost considerations are nudging organizations to consider cloud repatriation:

  • Unpredictable Costs: The pay-as-you-go pricing model of public cloud services can be difficult to predict, especially as usage scales up. Organizations may repatriate workloads to regain cost predictability and better align expenses with budget constraints.
  • Optimizing Resources: In some cases, organizations may find that they are overprovisioning resources in the cloud, resulting in underutilized capacity and unnecessary expenses. Repatriation allows them to optimize resource allocation and reduce costs.
  • Hidden Costs: There can be hidden costs associated with data transfer, egress fees, and premium support in the cloud. By repatriating workloads, organizations can gain more control over these expenses.

To cap it all off, repatriating is a strategic move that allows organizations to strike a balance between the benefits of the cloud and their unique business needs. This ultimately ensures greater control, compliance, and cost efficiency. But not all organizations have the same needs—and Pliant understands this. 👍

Pliant Meets You Where You Are

While the shift to cloud repatriation is gaining momentum, it’s important to recognize that not all organizations are in the same position or have the same requirements. 

The beauty of cloud repatriation is that it allows organizations to tailor their strategies on a case-by-case basis. With this in mind, Pliant stands out as an orchestration solution that meets organizations where they are, be it in the cloud, on-premise, or in hybrid environments. 💪

We understand that your organization has its own set of challenges, objectives, and existing infrastructure. Instead of offering a one-size-fits all approach, Pliant empowers you to make informed decisions about your cloud repatriation strategies by meeting you where you’re at. 

If you’re repatriating due to security concerns, but also looking to reduce complexity with our full-stack orchestration platform, we have you covered. Pliant allows you to automate without compromising security. 

We operate full role-based access control on a per-code block basis, enabling secure execution of API commands. This includes full user logging and audit trails for after-the-fact reviews. 🤩

Another key benefit of using Pliant for your orchestration is our adaptability to delivering tailored solutions. Whether you’re fully committed to repatriation or seeking a hybrid approach, we have the expertise—and technology—to meet your orchestration needs. 

➡️ For all of our solutions by use case, click on this page.                                                                                   

Final Thoughts

Cloud repatriation is not a one-size-fits-all journey. At Pliant, we recognize the uniqueness of each organization’s needs. Whether it’s security, compliance, or cost control driving your decisions, we’re here to meet you where you are with our advanced orchestration platform.

Whether you’re fully committed to repatriating or just exploring, Pliant is your orchestration partner, ready to empower your decisions and execute your strategy efficiently. Book your free demo to see the Pliant platform in action—no matter where you are on your journey.