By Nichaela Williams

We’re kicking off 2021 strong and appreciate your continued readership in our Q1 blog series! Infrastructure automation is what we do and we’re optimistic that this six-part series (each post representing a letter in our name “P-L-I-A-N-T”) will bring clarity to questions around where to start to gain new IT efficiencies within your organization, which tools might be right for you to streamline delivery, and how to maximize your ROI in new tools.

We’re moving on to “N” to describe the infrastructure automation features and functions you’ll need to succeed in digitally transforming your IT infrastructure.

The Pliant platform makes IT infrastructure automation easy

It’s important to have all the necessary items, as well as a few extra bells and whistles! This includes rapid customer service, centralized, platform-based automation, and easy-to-use drag-and-drop coding blocks. These are just a few of the time-saving features we’ve baked into the Pliant platform that we feel are non-negotiable for today’s enterprises. You’ll discover your IT automation platform running a lot more smoothly if all the boxes you’ll find below are checked. Read on to make sure that you have everything needed to fulfill your automation goals.
required enterprise features for infrastructure automation

In this post:

  • IT Automation Must-Haves
  • Bonuses to Improve Your IT Automation Strategy
  • Check it off!

IT Automation Must-Haves

  • ✓ Centralized Platform-Based Automation
    • ✓ A centralized platform is ideal for any project due to how it simplifies organization and improves
      efficiency. Pliant acts as the orchestration plain for infrastructure automation. Thus, all automation
      happens on a single interface that allows automating across all of your infrastructure in the entire
  • ✓ SaaS and On-Prem delivery
    • ✓ This utilizes the hybrid delivery model, allowing for things to be hosted in the cloud or on-premise.
  • ✓ Free API consumption
    • ✓ Unlike with other companies, Pliant does not bill you per API call used. So, you’re free to use as
      API calls as you wish.
  • ✓ A Visual Debugger & Object Editor
  • ✓ 100k+ Infrastructure Integrations Available Immediately

Bonuses to Improve Your IT Automation Strategy

  • ✓ Low-Code, No-Code User Interface
    • ✓ Automating with Pliant is made that much easier with our easy-to-use drag and drop blocks. These no-code
      blocks replace thousands of lines of scriptwriting. For more on the topic, check out our previous blog post on no-code scriptwriting.
  • ✓ Per API Role-Based Action Control
    • ✓ With Pliant, administrators can control which API calls a user can access and on what system on a case-by-case basis. Role-Based action control allows for more efficient organization of your team and allows you to authorize users across the entire business individually.
  • ✓ UI Password-Based Obfuscation
    • ✓ This allows you to authenticate as a user and delegate access to any of your systems or teammates without actually sharing a direct password. By abstracting authentication credentials for all of your different systems, vendors, and infrastructure, all you have to do is share a unique authentication key. This eliminates the sharing of passwords, usernames, and other dangerous credentials so that you can control who gets access without sharing your personal information.
  • ✓ Complete Logging and Governance Control
    • ✓ Every single execution and workflow that is run is logged and always available for you to see. Anything that you do with Pliant is viewable indefinitely and is fully auditable, adding an extra level of security.
  • ✓ 15 Business Day SLA for Adding New Integrations
    • ✓ Pliant provides a 15-day SLA in which we provide an installation of Pliant to you directly. Our entire library of API calls is available to be used. Additionally, if we don’t have an integration that you require in our extensive repository, we will build the new integrations in a timely manner so that you can continue testing.

Check it off!

IT Automation roadmap

By using the above roadmap as a guide to the features and functions you should consider checking off your list in your next automation investment, we’re confident you’ll start off better positioned to achieve your goals.

Interested to see the Pliant platform in action? Start your free trial today. Or, if you’d like to speak to one of our engineers directly, contact us.